
Letters to Amberly: A Reply

Hey there Kingsley,

You never fail to amuse me with your letters. Or mother. Its not like I’d let her read them, she “finds” them accidentally. Accidentally falling out from under mattresses, behind picture frames, you name it.

She pleasantly had dramatic anuerisms over your mentionings of her and has happily been reporting them to your uncle, who I’m sure doesn’t give a damn.

Thank you for the postcard. I’ve never been to Graceland, mother would never permit such an outing, so I really had to live it through you, even if it was dissapointing. I am happy you enjoyed the Grand Canyon, even if you like it more than me. The picture was a dead ringer, you were right.

How is California? I would really like to see it someday. I hope you have a better time with Matt than you did at your uncle’s apartment. Do you think I could come visit? I can’t stand it here, not that mother would ever allow it…

Have fun.

- Amberly

P.S. I hate you too.

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