
Anthony: Bastion

There were countless more differences – but not just between Anthony and Adam. In fact, Anthony was astounded by the sheer variety in all the humans of the world. Even people that looked alike had small physical characteristics that set them apart, and everyone thought differently. Anthony’s family was what humans called Russian – besides the green eyes – while Adam was American. However, ethnicity didn’t matter where they lived, simply because every ethnicity was there. All survivors of the Flood had gathered in the great stronghold city of Bastion, regardless of race or age or other differences Anthony could notice.

And a bastion it was. A hulking behemoth of a city, about two hundred miles east of where Moscow used to be, sprawling out both above and below the ground. Great columns of steel and glass dominated the small vistas the proximity of the Wall offered, with endless walkways and tunnels and subways and bridges spanning every building’s structure.

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