
V Day: (The Nite After) Ending

Trevor slammed Gee over a car when the car alarm sounded. It gave both men a chance to catch their breath when they glanced to see Denise on top of Derrica.

“Why did you take him from me, Why did you cause a problem between us! Why could you just… why am I targeting you?” Denise said she she continued to pound on Derrica’s face.

Trevor ran over to her and pulled her off.
Denise turned around and slapped Trevor silly.
“I hate you! You destroyed our relationship!” she said as she turned her anger in fistful punches on his chest.

Derrica got up and try to smack Denise when Gee subdued her with a bearhug.

Denise smacked him again and said.
“Leave me alone! Dont ever talk to me again! Erase my number, better than that, erase the last couple of years with me, because I can tell you that I’m officially done with you and whatever you say or whatever you do, you wont change my mind!”

She said as she grabbed Gee’s arm, and stormed off.

An astonished Trevor just watched her walk away…

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