
Just Married/40 days

We had just been married fourty days when the orders came.Oh noooooo.
My husbandddd off to war. Bombs on the late night news made a sleepless lonely night. Was he in the line of fire?? The lonelist year of my life. God Bless America sang at church made my Patriotism and breaking heart overwhelming. Prayers and hopes to be reunited with the Love of my life.
The call came…on the other end of the phone…..after a loooong year…..My Husband! Be at the airport to pick me up at 5:30pm. Baby, I’m coming home. To my knees I fell, and Thank You God.
The plane was EXACTLYYY on time. The Christmas carols were ringing. So many Army uniforms .
Then THE plane. I could see him in the side window. My heart COULD still beat!!!. Could that be my Soldier
Sorry sir….but I jumped the chain …..I RAN … just in time to see him step off the plane… and he RAN . I jumped right into the arms of the man that I had lost for an entire year. The man that risk his life for our freedom. My husband made it home!!!

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