
Searching For Toad Jelly

Oddie always longed for his favorite food toad jelly. He had not realize that Pooh had change the subject about Bogg.

They swam and swam until they realize they had gone pass the barrier of Og.

“Oddie come up, come up for air, surface you big turtle, look where we are I did not realize we swam so far.”

“Pooh, look we are so close can’t we just go to the edge of the shore to look at it?”

“No, no, we can’t, beside it’s getting late we have to get back.”

“Pooh, are you affraid?”

“You think unhuh!”

Oddie looked surprise considering Pooh was always fighting other sea moss at school.

“Ok! we will go back.”

“Hurry, hurry Oddie, before they see us.”

Oddie, look back at the shore of Bogg as he swam back towards Og. He thought to him self that one day he would leave home and take an adventrue to Bogg.

First he had to beat Pooh home.

“You slow poke, dragging your fat tail, move it, lets go!!”

“You need to stop eating so much toad jelly.”

They swam home safely…....

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