

Hurts. The word couldn’t quite matched the actual, real feeling that was coming out of every square inch of my mental anguish. My body was in automatic pilot. I saw it once…when i just happened to hit the corner of the bathroom walll, and my face was forcebly went sideways, and my eyes rested on the wall to wall mirror that I momentarily have forgotten. There, she looked soo dishieveld. Looks like she is death-warmed-over. “brush your teeth neng!!!” I found myself screaming at me. Crazy looking broad. When is she ever gonna learn? Whatever happened to that soft, round face surrounded with , by those long thick dark brown hair down to her ass? Oh, jesus! The hair was shaved off in 2000 when she couldn’t handle the Hurt that was coming from the facts that her breast-feed-baby-boys have growned up and went to marry with out telling her…the ingrates!
I wanted to cut somebody’s heart then….

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