
Boy Meets Bus

I groaned. That stupid alarm!!
I pulled myself out of bed. I brushed my choppy, brown hair and turned on my straightener. Then, I stumbled into my closet. As I pulled on my horribly ugly black-grey-and white school uniform, I reminisced on my wonderful dream.
Just imagining his face gave me butterflies. How can one guy be everything? I got ready for school, pulling that fat, ugly, horrible algebra book into my super-cute pink and black argyle backpack, and making sure i looked super-cute. Today, I was going to see him. Today, I had school.
I ran out the door to make sure I was at the bus stop on time. If I took the bus, it would be one more chance, one more moment, to be with him.
When the bus pulled up, I made sure I was the first one on. I scanned the bus to find him. At first, I couldn’t find him. OMG ! NO! But, then, I saw him. He was smiling up at me. That perfect smile! I could faint!

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