
The Jonas Robbery Part 32: I'm Going To Texas!

“Why not?!” asked Joe.

“Sir,” said the pilot, “I was told you have to be in Dallas by three this afternoon. We’re already running late. If we don’t leave immediately, you’re not going to make your appointment.”

By “appointment” I’m sure he meant concert. Wow! If I_ _stay on this plane, I_ _can go to a_ _Jonas Brothers concert!_ I had never been to a Jonas Brothers concert. Yes, sad, I know.

“It’s okay, Kevin,” I cut in, “I’ll just go with you to Texas.” I tried not to sound too excited.

“Alright,” Kevin was reluctant. But he knew there wasn’t much he could do.

The pilot made sure us and the security guards were safely seated and strapped in and then took off. Taking off was amazing. I had never been in a plane before. I had no idea where my parents were, and they were probably worried sick. I had to use Kevin’s iPhone again.

I once again had to call Mom, calm her down, and explain what had happened.

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