
time travel statistics

The first 25 years went by peacefully enough as Flandip and Tobin swam in pools of milk and ate cheese at their leisure.

The next 40 years were ones of personal observation and conversation, which went something like…

“Flandip, have you noticed we haven’t aged?”

“Why yes.”, replied Flandip, “Strangely enough, that had occurred to me.”

60 years later, Tobin and Flandip realized the cause of their apparent ageless-ness when they came across a small ‘time’ counter with rapidly moving numbers across the face.

When traveling by planet, it takes .5 billion years to travel to Earth from Magrathea. As Flandip and Tobin had left Magrathea 6 hours and 43 minutes after they were needed on Earth, time travel was a necessity.

One common misconception about time travel is that if you are going backward in time, you become younger. The embryonic state caused such confusion however that people decided to just believe that you didn’t age at all. This made college courses on time travel much easier.

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