
I Am Just So Awesome (Internation Day of Awesomeness Challenge)

I am just so awesome. You want to know how awesome I am? Well, too bad. I’m going to tell you, anyway.

Now, for starters, let’s clear something up. I, by myself, on my own, am not all that awesome. Yes, yes, I know. It’s difficult to believe, but it is, sadly, true. However, the truly awesome are awesome by association. And I associate with some pretty awesome people.

First off, my son. He is just so awesome. He absolutely adores his mom and dad, and we just love to bask in the glow of his awesomeness. He approaches everything in life with joy, and an insatiable curiosity that I just adore.

Second, my fiancee. Now, she is awesome because she encourages me (and shuts me down) when I need it. But she does a lot more of the former. She’s the reason I sought out Ficlets, and she’s why I rediscovered my passion for writing.

And last, but certainly not least, all my fellow Ficleteers. You have helped me become a more awesome writer, and I can never thank you enough.

More awesomeness: I did it in less than 1,02

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