
Time To Be Lived and Time To Live

Her headache grew worse as she felt like she was deep under water, the pressure from above pushing down on her. Her eyes looked around at her surroundings. People were everywhere, images of lost ones strewn under their feet. Pictures of her past deep under their shoes mucked up with dirt. The image became reality. She felt pairs of shoes deep into her back. Her mothers heals, her best friends tenni shoes and her fathers work boots and numerous pairs of unknown shoes. She was drowning in her past and feeling the harsh reality of her present. To different types of times put together inevitably. Mixed together to form her haunting past and her wish washed present. Images fell from the sky. She saw herself as an adult, she saw herself as an elderly woman, she saw herself at her high school graduation. Her future rained down on her. Her eyes grew weary snapshots of life around her. Her life was around her, without her even having a chance to live it through but to have it lived for her.

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