
He Tells Her His Name (New School)

The rest of the school day was pretty much the same, Crappy!

Jenna, knew she had the task of going to sign up for the Library Club.

She went down to the auditorium where all the school clubs had tables set up for new commers. Jenna walked passed the first table, the banner said {Cheerleader Try Outs Bring Your Best Game} she hurried past the table before anyone noticed her.

She finally reached the Library Club table, she introduced her self to the staff and gave them her old schools club achievements.

She took her orientation folder and went to sit in the back of the auditorium to read some of it. Her face was always face down. This was her way of not looking at any one in passing.

The empty row of seats behind her had no one sitting there. so she thought.

She sat down, pulled out a highliter from her book bag, open the folder when she felt something on the back of her neck.

It felt like a feather running across her hair line.

“Don’t turn around Jenna, It’s me!”

“Who are you?”....

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