
Recounting the Opening Statements

The serious looking gentleman spoke first. He claimed the handsome guy was Devon’s real Dad!

I looked at her. Her eyes grew big, she stared at him, and when he looked at her she hid behind our Dad. She looked at me. I gave her a thumbs up and a smile. I wanted her to know I was on her side.

They claimed that because he was her biological father and he wanted her, he should get her. He was rich, he could give her the best education, best life, best everything.

I felt sick. Doesn’t every little girl want to be a princess? Wouldn’t Devon get just that? If she went to live with him, she’d get maids, and a pool, and a pony and whatever she wanted! I pictured a huge mansion, a playroom full of toys, a jacuzzi, a huge TV. She’d surely want to leave us now!

Mr. Crawford began. He pointed out that Devon was cared for, loved, lived in a nice neighborhood, had friends, had an adoring sibling (me), and never knew Mr. Trazelli existed. I felt proud to be her family after his speech.

But which would she choose?

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