
Super Dan, Operations Man (with appropriate apologies)

It was mid-day, and Super Dan, Operations Man, could feel something was wrong.

“Sidekick Boy! To me!” he shouted, striking an appropriately superhero-ish pose.

“Do you have to call me that?” his compatriot sighed. “I really think we should have gone with ‘The Kevin-ator’ or something like that.”

“Come, lad!” Super Dan, Operations Man, exclaimed, completely ignoring Kevin. “There’s villainy afoot!” In a flash of vermilion tights, Super Dan, Operations Man, leapt from the hood of his lime green Pacer (with flame-job) and rushed into action.

“I don’t want to know…”

“Halt, villain!” Super Dan, Operations Man shouted.

“I beg your pardon?” the young woman said, somewhat irritated and confused.

“Cease your abuse of that child!”

“Excuse me?!” she said, becoming very irate. “I am taking my son to the dentist! Just who…”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Kevin interrupted. “He’s… um… off his meds today and…”

“Do not attempt to defend this villainess! She…”

...must have had a brick hidden in that purse…

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