
The Black Iris (part 16)

The next day James awoke in his bed happier than he’d been in a long time. He stepped out of bed and put on his best clothes. He than ran down stairs to pick a flower for Iris from the garden.

“To think such an exquisite girl is sleeping peacefully in my home.” James said as he picked a begonia. “I shall do everything in my power to make her stay an enjoyable one.” With his flowers picked, James walked inside and into the great hall, where a delicious smell was drifting through. “My, Lily’s cooking is in top form this morning.” James said breathing in the smell.

“Why thank you Master James.” Lily said approaching with the laundry. “Though it’s not me doing the cooking this time.”

“Has mother taken it up again?” James asked.

“Not her either I’m afraid.” Lily said smiling. James continued on into the kitchen, where to his surprise, Iris placed a large plate of food on the table in front of him.

“Breakfast, is served, Master James.” She said giggling.

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