
Deserted Class, Pt. 1, cont.

Well, after a small meal of fried pineapple (which the populars complained about. Something about too many calories.) Now everyone is lying down, and the sunset is beautiful on the beach. Most of the couples are lying together on the towels everyone packed. The damned plane is about 3 miles off shore, but thankfully, everyone got their luggage. Well, I better go, because it’s so hard to write by the light of the fire. Omg and before I go, I wanna write down what happened earlier. I shivered and Tyler McClain (the cute hottie that I love) put his arm around me! Omg! Okay, all for now.

June 19th
This morning, I was awakened by the smell of cooking berries. It was just after dawn, and Kira, the class overachiever, was stirring a pot of berries and water. She babbled on about whatever, and how she needed two people to go exploring. When she mentioned Tyler volunteered, I was game. But he was till asleep and breakfast wasn’t ready yet, I changed into my bathing suit behind a tree, and went swimming.

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