
The Civil War? WHAT Civil War?

“Dammit soldier!” General Beckett stood straight up, anger in his eyes. “There’s no way we’re going to hold ‘em off like this!”

“But sir,” Private Cooper spoke, “the Feds are already a few miles from here!” The two soldiers argued in the middle of Boston, Massachusetts- the new Capital of the United States. After secession after secession took place in the American heartland, America looked more like Europe. The Rockies to the West Coast was the Bear Republic, from that to the Mississippi were the Greco-Zakomov states, bordering eachother north to south on the Mason-Dixon line. And then, reaching the Ohio River Valley, was the Confederate States, also on the Mason-Dixon line, and north of it, the Farmer’s Union Republic, and north of even that, bordering around Albany, was the United States of America. The name hardly fit now.

“Well, soldier, we CANNOT let another rebellion stay! We gotta serve what’s left of our country!” Everything that wasn’t Massachusetts or more north was rebelling at once.

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