
A scream in the rain

Another rainy day.Yuck.
Walking to the kitchen I think about how beautiful Miami must be right now; the sun shimering on the ocean,gliding up onto the sandy beach, tanning the beach-goers and turning the once creamecheese colored nerd into a lobster-red, the 6 pack,rock hard abs of the hot lifegaurd.
I hope they all get eaten by sharks.

No one should have to go through this.A whole week of non-stop rain?I mean come on! Only God can be this mean! And he’s taking advantage of it.

I shamble over to the dishwasher and pull out a clean glass, then start towards the refrigerator. A shot fires through the rain, over coming the soft “pitter-patter” of rain on the roof.
” What the…? Who in their wrong mind would be hunting right now?”I wonder aloud. Another shot fires and I look out of the window facing the neighbor’s house. One last shot fires and a flash of light inside the neighbors house tells me that it wasn’t a hunter. The sound of shattering glass pierces the air. And then a scream

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