
The Tour Guide Is A Monster

I stared out at the miles and miles of snow that I had to walk through.
When they said,’ it was a contest to die for’,they meant it.
When I read that letter,I never thought that they were actually serious.
Right now,I felt complete remorse.
I sat down on a nearby rock and took the 5 pounds of water out of my socks.
Right when I was about to start on my shirt,I heard the tour guide’s growl coming from behind a mountain of ice.
I quickly put on my still soggy shoes and ran.
I was running for a long time,running in any direction I glanced at.
I was heading in a different direction when I tripped on something underneath the snow and fell.
By the time I was up and spitting snow out of my mouth,I felt ice cold air being breathed on my neck and saw a shadow slowly towering over me.
By the time I had glanced up,I was already face to face with the tour guide/monster.
The monster was opening it’s jaws and I had to think fast.
You know..Improvise.I did the first thing I thought of,which was kicking it in the face.

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