
In search of

There was once a middle age woman who felt her age, but did not look her age. She wanted more out of life than life was giving her. She looked in the backyard could not find anything interesting to do with her life. She left her yard and went next door and could not find anything interesting to do with her life. So she went traveling down the street in her neighborhood looking for something interesting. Nothing! So much for the Dorothy theory!
So the middle age woman went home and once again looked around her house for a more interesting life. She ran into her children, who had interesting lives. She ran into her husband who had an interesting life, and she ran into the dogs whose lives were the most interesting of all. But she could not be a dog.
The middle age woman laid in her bed and watched the dust gather on the junk in her life. She was just not motivated. She did not know what would jump start her to greatness. A fat, salty tear maneuvered its way down her pretty brown cheek. Help!!

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