
Seven Day Journal: Day 3 (CAMILLE!!)

Today is March 31, 2008 8:55 PM

My toe still feels like I twisted it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I really need new pointe shoes. My current ones are so dead. (Ballet dancers should know what I mean)

So I got home from dance like 20 minutes ago, and ate dinner. But before that I had drama until five, so I still haven’t started my homework. I will after this.

So, Romeo and Juliet. Our version is… um… different. I hope Shakespeare won’t be too mad at us. We are two rival cosmetic companies. I’m Tybalt, Balfazar (sp?), and the trash person. I wasn’t in charge of writing the script. All I can say on that matter is… Balfazar (me) gets a nose job. Ummm, ok.

Uh, what else. Drama was kind of boring. Everyone (except Johan of course) was really low energy cause we miss Spring Break =[

Ok, we need a moment of silence here. I officially ate the last thin mint in the house today. (Yes, officially)

I have photography tomorrow!!! Yay!! Now that I am looking forward to.


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