

It’s her graduation day. I sit proudly in the audience, watching her walk to the center of the stage.

The principal shakes her hand, smiles, and then a group of other teachers greet her, too.

Smiling, she approuches the stand, and begins.

“I never thought I’d be honored like this…” she says, “I could have never make this far without the help of my parents.”

My brother, who is sitting next to me, grins at me and my wife. And looking straight, I can see my integelliant beauty staring into my eyes.

“I would also like to thank my teachers, especially Ms. Spears- without her, my writing would have never made the school newspaper. And to all my peers, who supported me for the last four years. I congratulate the class of ‘07. Thank you.”

The audience claps, but my wife and I clap the loudest. Looking at her, I can see that she is blushing, as she walks by the applauding students.

My daughter made it to graduation, with honors and a bright future. This is my daughter- my pride and my joy.

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