
Macy 25: Leave Because I Want You To

“Macon, you’re not welcome in this meadow.” Macy continued.

“Which is why I invited myself.” he replied.

“Well, what do you want right now? To make you leave.” The three were standing now, Macy behind Derrick slightly.

Macon closed his eyes and the air of pervertedness came across his face. “Truthfully, I want you. In my bed. But that’s just not possible.” He laughed at Macy’s horrified expression.

“You’ll never touch her.” Derrick warned. But Macon looked unbothered.

“I can’t believe you are so perverted.” Macy accused.

Macon said back, “Well, it’s not my fault; I’m a guy.” He shrugged as if that was the best excuse in the book.

“Macon please leave. I’m begging you, bother me at school, not here.” Macy told him.

“Well fine, school it is.” Macon stated. “But be ready, school could be a little more…intense than you think. And you won’t always have him. I am getting tired of Shane’s dirty work.”

“Stop it.”

“Hmm…I’ll think about it.” And he disappeared into the woods.

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