
Chat with Gran (Conversations with the dead Challenge)

I stand beside the grave of my gran. She is someone I have missed the most. As I look at her gravestone my mind starts a trip down memory lane. A tear forms in my eye and makes its journey down my face. How I have missed you Gran. I want to say, that I am sorry.. You were right about him.. I was amazed by how you knew.. I wish I had known. It was so hard to see you go. I didn’t want you to leave. But you wanted to be home.. Maybe you knew God was going to call you home. We all miss you gran. You were so good to us. You held our family together, with your warm spirit and kind heart. Life has not been the same without you. Summers lack thier charm, Holidays just aren’t the same. I miss your house.. I miss seeing you.. I miss hearing your voice.. I hope you found Gran-dad.. Have you been happy in heaven? Was it everything you had hoped it would be? Oh how I wish you could answer me.. Oh how I wish you knew how much we miss you. Just like that I felt the sun, warm on my shoulders Perhaps it was her.

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