
The Number 3, Dale Pays a Visit (Conversations With Dead People Challenge)

I was in my room reading a magazine about Dale Earnhardt. Man, what it be like if Dale was here? Sure could help me with my racing. People think I can’t race just because I am a girl.

“Hello!” He said.
“AHHH!!!” I screamed. “Am I dreaming or going crazy? There is no way that Dale Earnhardt is standing right here.”
“Well believe it! I didn’t come all the way down here just to not be believed in”, He exclaimed.
“Ok, ok, so why are you here?”
“Something tells me you’re a dedicated racer. I am here to tell you to never ever let anything stand in your way from race. Just race and win. Never give up, and don’t get o cocky either, us NASCAR drivers can not stand cocky rookies. Let the veterans give you advice and you will be a better driver than you ever imagined.”
“I am not good enough for NASCAR and I am a girl.”
“Just because a girl doesn’t mean you can’t kick their butts. Show em how good you are! I gotta go check on my son, Dale Jr., he has a race tomorrow.”
Just like that he was gone.

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