

Kahn walked back to camp and sat down on the log across from us. He was looking at the ground and fidgeting with his fingers.
Kahn: I…
Me: What?
Kahn: I feel extremely guilty now.
Mike: You should, I mean-
Kahn: No!
It came out in a small growl and Mike rolled his eyes, not caring anymore.

Kahn: I…there, there were others. And I left…I left them in the…trees because…I saw you two once…but…I left them…two of them…a boy and a girl younger than us.
Me: Oh my god, we have to go look for them.
Mike: What were their names?
Kahn: Sam and Aubrey.

Mike gasped loudly, but Kahn continued.

Kahn: The boy’s name was Sam.

Mike broke down into sobs and ran. He probably didn’t want company, but I desperately wanted to race after him.

Me: You did that on purpose!
Kahn: I did not.
Me: No! You knew Mike would go crazy at the name Sam! You shouldn’t have done that!
Kahn: Yeah, I’m the bad guy! Just blame me for everything!
Me: I think I will! That was so mean.
Kahn: But I-
Me: No!

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