
The Worlds Smallest Democracy

A circle of 9 people are stood in the shade of a palm tree. The small island they’re on would seem serene if it wasn’t for the smoldering ruins of a plane occupying almost all of the northern half.

“Look” Toby was saying to the group of unlikely survivors, “I just think we need a leader is all. And since we’ve all agreed communism doesn’t work we should give democracy a go, so we need to have an election.”

“I don’t know, I think we should give communism another shot.” Said Greg. “I agree” Sam added, not that there was any reason for her to say it, the twins always agreed with each other. It made the others uneasy, twins surviving when 57 other people didn’t.

“Well, we’ve got to do something” Jen said. “The answer won’t fall out of the sky.” The whole group looked upward, nothing happened.

They looked down again, disappointed, then as a gust of wind shook the tree an object became dislodged and landed in the sand in the middle of the circle.

It was a gun, it whispered power and promised a dictatorship.

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