
Revenge, Pure and Simple

Tom looked at me like I’d sprouted another head.

“Jordan, are you insane? I could never do that. Bros before hoes and all that. Dude, I mean – that’s the girl you like!”

The plan was beginning to coalesce in my mind, the facets fitting into place. It was brilliant if I do say so myself. I ignored Tom as he continued sputtering his denials, and then I held up one hand, silencing him.

“Tom, like I said, I’m giving up on romance. This is revenge, pure and simple. And wouldn’t you like to see Mendez’s face when he finds out you’ve scored with Jodi?”

A mischievous glint I knew well flashed in his blue eyes. I knew then that he was convinced, at least partly so. It would be easy bringing him over to my way of thinking now.

I warmed up to my subject, leaning forward. “This isn’t just to get back at Jodi for all those times she stood me up -“

“Heh, like the time you waited 12 hours for her!”

“Er, yeah, right. But it’s not just her. It’s all those girls who broke our hearts, man. It’s time for payback.”

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