
wondering about me

Sometimes I wonder…...
Will i live to be 80? or will today be my last?
Will i die a old age? Murder? suicide? Global warming?
There are so many unspeakable ways
Will I be happy? or will i fail in life?
Will I be successful? or will i be on the street?
the anwsers unknown.
i feel so alone
will this be last?
will i die before i wake?
i will nevr knw.
this is not in my hands.
i feel as if i have no control over the own path i take.
That i cant be me if im not free
like a bird in a cage all locked up,
i want to be free to fly away and be free
as a bird flying away w/ beautiful wings and something tht sings that just can’t be locked up inside of me if i am unable to be my self life will end so i am who i am and no one can change me… one…....

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