
Something I was missing... (Realization{200 ficlets challange})

This was bad.
Really bad.
The scene was more gruesome than usual. But I suppose you can’t expect much from a serial killer.
Sighing, I crouched down to get a better assesment on the situation. I allways used a clinical mindset when observing a murder. It keeps me professional. And sometimes you can get so lost in the emotion that you don’t notice important things. And it’s not so difficult to get lost in the emotion when you think about how they were people , with lives and families…
So I didn’t think about those things.
This wasn’t anything regular. Noting was corrosponding to any of the other murders we have catogorized together. But it was a serial murder! Why else would it be so horrible but so careful? Exactly three horizontal stab wounds on each arm and the throat and three gunshot wounds, one to the torso and each leg, and much more. It just seemed too… passionate to be any regular murder. There had to be something I was missing!
It’s right in front of my face!
But what was it?

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