
John in Hell

John found himself in Hell. At least it felt like Hell. Although, aside from a few distant noises of distress and a look of general disrepair beyond what he was used to, he appeared to be right in the middle of town.

“Welcome,” said a warm voice behind him. “It’s not what you expected, and I know that’s true without knowing your thoughts.” John turned around and saw nothing.

“Still behind you,” said the voice. “It’s better this way at first.”

John didn’t actually have a nervous system anymore, but the dread felt very real.

“Before we go further, please make a choice,” the voice said smoothly. “React, and don’t think. Who stays – you, or him?”

John felt his gaze turning, and saw a sullen young boy of about twelve walking through the park. The voice kept talking, but John stopped listening. He watched the boy curiously, searching for anything familiar about him. John could feel his thoughts beginning to erode.

” determine the maximum level you’ll be able to take -“

“Him. He stays.”

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