
The Glade

“What is this?” Sioni asked, breathless. She had never seen a unicorn before, much less a herd of them in a glade; in the middle of the forest.

Which was in the middle of nowhere.

To put it in a nutshell, Sioni didn’t have the slightest inkling where she was.

“How am I ever going to get back?” Sioni said, putting her head in her hands. Then, she felt a gentle tug on the sleeve of her shirt. She looked up; the unicorn that had brought her to the glade was motioning frantically towards a small space in between the trees.

“You want me to go…?” Sioni asked, unsure. The unicorn simply nudged harder.

She walked hesitantly into the small clearing. What she saw made her eyes widen. There was a small pillar of stone in the center of the clearing; it could reach to about Sioni’s hip in height.

And in the hollow of the pillar, was crystalline, quicksilver-like water, beckoning for someone to bend and stare into it’s depths…

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