
The Lost Kingdom

Lucifer was a great king a man of leadership and heart!
He was the man to build a home for the lost crusaders all across the land!
But when he passed away! They banished his soul and body away from the land he built.

“Why was he turned away from the church?â€?

“Father there has to be a reason a king was turned away from a burial on the grounds of god!â€?

“Son sometimes it’s always best to not dig yourself deep into the past!â€?
You never know what might bite you in the end!

I will say as much as this son!
He had gotten himself deep into a war that was never meant to be fought by him and his army!
As the years grew on he became more sinful to the ones who prayed for mercy. He had hung the ones who given up.
The kingdom was never seen as a place for freedom as it was once was.
With many homes becoming deserted and shops not having the gold to survive they closed there shops to find some live able area in the land.

Soon the kingdom was marked as the lost kingdom!

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