
Jonas Part 16: NYC

After what seemed like forever, we arrived in New York. Our first order of business was figuring out how to score rooms at the Ritz Carlton. After 30 minutes of Kevin arguing with the manager, we had a room for the girls, and also a room for Nick N, Miles, Christian, and Thomas (Joe and Kev already had their rooms under a reservation.)
Our next mission, probably the most difficult of all, was finding clothes for for girls to wear over a two-week stay in NYC . But it was 7 a.m. in NEw York and none of us got much sleep on the plane, so we decided to take a nap. At about 3 p.m., we were finally all energized. We headed out into the swarm of paparazzi. As they snapped pictures of the JoBros, their bodyguard, Mo, shoved them away with a strong, forceful, tan arm. We spent the next 5 hours exploring the shopping options in NYC and in total we bought $5,000 dollars worth of clothes, all charged to Kevin’s credit card. But a lot of the clothes were for him, so we didn’t feel too bad.

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