
Jonas Part 25: Terrified

When we arrived at the car, Nick was just hanging up the phone. “That was my dad. We are all going back to California tomorrow.” He stated, a blank expression on his face. “It’s too dangerous for us here, Amanda, with that maniac running free.”
Amanda collapsed into his arms, “He- he said I couldn’t hide. That he’d always find me. What am I gonna dooooo?? He’ll get me at home. I know it!” She sobbed into his shoulder.
“Shh, baby, it’ll all be okay. I won’t let him do anything to you. You’ll never see him again. Don’t worry, don’t cry,” he soothed, although from his expression, he was probably twice as scared as she was, “Don’t cry.” He begged, as a tear rolled down his cheek.
The driver drove us back to the hotel, where we all crammed into the living room of Kevin’s suite. Amanda was telling Nick J everything that happened, and he was trying his hardest not to let any emotion but sympathy show, but we all knew he was terrified. Terrified of what happened, and terrified of what he knew was to come.

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