
You gotta love it!(BARomero's nameless challenge)

The sound; LOUD , a roar actually. I tell myself “It’s ok, you know it’s never as bad as it sounds”. But my gut wretches into a knot. I can’t see beyond the vision in my head. “Calm down, take it easy”, I repeat to myself like a mantra.

I check out everyone else in the group, trying not to show the panic in my eyes. I hope they all have the same symptoms too; the lump in the throat, the dry mouth, the desire to bail, NOW , while there’s still time!

Can that roar get any louder?! It seems I’ve been hearing it for at least 20 minutes. Come on already. My knuckles are cramping and white.

“Hey, why not take a break, have a smoke, a drink” I yell to my compadres. Hoping to postpone the invetitable. They reply, “let’s wait, can’t you hear what’s coming. Maybe on the other side!”

I can see now we are committed, there is no turning back now.

OK, hard right. Line it up. That’s it; now left. Whoa, that was close! Straighten out! NOW ! Go, like a woman possessed, hard! YOU GOT IT !


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