
Somewhere Unseen

It was dark. Dark, but the air had a slight moist feel to it. Slowly, a steady, rhythmic dribble of water fell to the ground from somewhere unseen. It echoed. The figure edged forward, unsure of his surroundings. He had only entered here when the sun had been shining in, illuminating his way.

His foot collided with something heavy, and large. He cried out, and his right hand went up to steady himself against the object, but his hand found nothing. Just space. He started to fall forward, his hand grasping for purchase. His hand settled, awkwardly, on the top of the object he had stubbed his foot against. The big toe throbbed. That’ll teach me to go without shoes! He thought.

After a few moments the pain subsided and he continued on his way, this time crouched low with his hands out to feel for anymore obstacles.

Before too long his hands came across a cold, damp, large surface. He made his way up it and discovered what he was looking for. He flicked the switch and his garage flooded with light.

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