

“What is going on up there?â€? Lucrezia leapt up, sobering instantly. The ship lurched, sending Anso and Lucrezia to the floor. Shouting followed above, in the crew’s sibilant language.

Lucrezia shoved the door open, stormed out onto the deck and demanded a report. Anso followed out, though he could understand none of the dialogue between the diminutive captain and her pirates.

“What’s happening?â€? Anso clung to a nearby rail as another shock swept through the hull.

“We’re being attacked, you dolt!â€? Lucrezia shouted, stopping for a moment to glare at Anso and then back to shouting orders. The helmsman stood to the stern of the ship, a spider at the center of a web of sheets, guys, and various lengths of rope running through pulleys, tied to the ends of sails, fastened to equipment of varying purpose. He was in constant motion; trimming here, slackening there, adjusting a dial with a bare foot. Splinters flew as the ship creaked and dove towards the darkened tree line.

“¡Mitja-nena bagassa!â€? Lucrezia swore.

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