
I noticed that every one had REALLY long titles for Insert pen name here's challange titled :A Fun But Insane Quiz From Insert Pen Name Here's Very Insane Mind (Hopefully this really really long title will grab your attention: CLICK ON MEEE!!!). So I didn

1) ummm… invisible?
2) Lalaland! DUH !!!
3)Minority: Brown/blond/red/ and a coppery coolness color
4)!!! It said that there was a link for people who like to write… and it was AWESOME !!!
5)My heart…but I have given it away… does that count??? =)
6)I LOVE lava lamps!!!! I acctually own one… its in my bathroom =D
7) YESSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8) I don’t know… I use so many…
9) I don’t have an ipod… but I DO have a Motorokr phone… My rin tone that I randomly chose was “Ohio is for lovers” idk who sings it but it’s cool!

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