
Punk Rocker Alter Ego [J.B. dream challenge]

Whoa! What a night! I roll over in bed, my black and pink dreds draping over my face. I get up to use the bathroom and noticed I’m wearing half of my punkrock band outfit. I don’t remember getting here.

Yikes! I look hideous! I see dark smudges running down my face, eyes red, and hair frizzing up, coming out of the braids. I turn on the shower.

I was kickin’ it on stage, the crowd was going wild, screaming encores, and I finally made it backstage to the green room where I smoked it up with the band, just to continue the high. We laughed and some fans were let in by our manager. They looked like all the other losers we met who wanted a piece of our fame.

I think Eddie got two girls and Jim had one. I must’ve left with the guy. I don’t remember anything. I don’t even know what cheap motel this is.

I hear someone come in the bathroom and take leak.
“You still here? You wanna encore performance?”
I said nothing.
“You were awesome! I mean my wife would never go for stuff like that!”
Wife! Shit!

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