

I walked down the hall, confident. I was also lost… but that didn’t really matter. I was sure I’d find it eventually. I glanced at the numbers. Room number 208. hm, that wasn’t right. I frowned looking around. I needed room 27. So, obviously, I was in the wrong place. Possibly the wrong floor. A teacher noticed me looking around.
“Are you new? Can I help you?” she asked kindly.
I smiled at her and said cheerfully, “Oh, no thank you. I’ll find it eventually. That’s how people learn isn’t it? Trial and error.”
She blinked, looking confused. ” ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,’ ” I quoted for her benefit.
With another smile I headed off to find the stairs. I found them, and went down two stories, whistling. Being new was so exciting to me, but that may have been because I wanted to be new, because I had a reason to be here. I frowned, thinking about that with brief, mild concern. I nearly missed room 27. As the bell rang, I hurried in and glanced around at my future classmates.

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