
Macy 78: Walked

Macon froze onto top of her. “What? You, you don’t?” he was stuttered in that un-Macon like manner.

Macy squeezed her eyes closed and whispered, “No.â€? She was afraid now, of what he might do. If you think about it, they were in a dark closet alone; Macon had the upper hand here. This was probably making the top ten of stupid things done by Macy. “Don’t get mad please.

Macon heard the plead in her voice and he tried not to let his “otherâ€? Macon come out. “Well that changes things.â€? But he hadn’t moved. Honestly, he didn’t want to.

“Um Macon, you’re crushing me.â€? her voice was still soft. He reluctantly freed her from his weight and moved across the area.

“So, um friends?â€? she asked.

His answer was acrimonious, “No.â€? And then he walked to the door, (controlling himself enough not to hurt her), and left.

It was the hardest walk he’s ever made. But Macon made it out in the end. After that, he just walked and walked. He walked until he was far from Macy, from anything. Too bad he ended up in the meadow.

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