

I don’t know how long we were in there together. Some little second grader came in and Trevor hopped up on the stool to hide his feet. I worked hard to hide my giggles.

When the kid left, he got down and pulled me closer to him, rubbing his hands on my back as we kissed.

Another kid came in and he jumped on the stool so fast his foot slipped and he cursed out loud.

“There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom!” the little twerp screeched to her teacher.

He swore again. Then we tried to make a run for it! Unfortunately the teacher was coming to investigate and he ran smack into her!

We were marched to the principal’s office and our parents were called. I was suspended tomorrow! I was so mortified I cried all the way home! My mom yelled in the car the whole way about how grounded I was!

I hate Trevor! I never want to see him again!

I ran to my room and pulled the curtains closed, not for privacy, but because seeing the window reminded me of him. I cried until the tears stopped coming and I fell asleep.

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