

You like to tell people who they are
Especially me
You come in here tellin me bout myself
You don’t even know me
You never have.

You think you’re always right
And I’m always wrong
You think all too highly of yourself
You take my happiness
Make me miserable
You always have
And you always will.

Things won’t change
They won’t get better
I’ve tried to make it better
But you refuse to let me.

You make my life a living hell
It’s true
But you won’t admit it
You say you’re helping me
But you’re only hurting me.

Get out of my life
Tell all of your crap to someone who cares
I’m done letting you tear me down
I’m done letting you blame things on me
When I didn’t even do anything.

Why don’t you get a life
So I can have mine back
I’d appreaciate it a lot
And so would everyone else.

My friends see how you are to me
They can’t stand you
They want to tell you off
To hit you upside the head
And you deserve it
I should let them
But I don’t
Consider yourself lucky I even care.

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