
twenty-three (numbers challenge)

I sit on my bed, strumming random chords on my guitar, staring at the phone. It was 10:05 PM

5 minutes past the time she said she’d call…

Of course, she may be busy, or might’ve forgotten. Right? I frowned as the knot in my stomach tightened.
She didn’t return my ‘I love you’ today… maybe she just forgot? Or maybe she’s just… just what…?


The minutes wore on like years over a war. Uncertainty and doubt were battling my optimistic thoughts as I gritted my teeth. What if…
Should I call her? Would she be upset if I called? God, what will she say?
I was too afraid to even touch the phone.


Maybe I should just go to sleep… maybe it’ll all be ok tomorrow… just like in November, yea…
I just shook my head and lay down on my bed, wanting to rip my heart out.


The phone finally rang. I looked at the caller ID, but it wasn’t her number. It read only the number 23. My heart pounded as I picked up the phone.


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