
Last Wish

The warden was taken aback by the inmate’s last wish. In his twenty years at this jail, he had his fair share of unorthodox last wishes. He remembers several: the serial killer that wanted to dance naked in the rain, the drug lord that craved a slice of New York style pizza, the one armed psychopath that killed his wife needed to meet the pope. Death makes one wish all sorts of things. No matter how inconvenient the wishes were, he usually tries to comply, well except the one where the killer wanted to see Osama Bin Laden’s dead body.

However, this one, the last wish of a farmer that burned down a church and killed at least thirty people, is quite perplexing. The warden in this case, as helpful as he is cruel toward the inmates, don’t have to do a thing. But he could not give the inmate any answer. He hurriedly came back to his office and started to look over the files trying to find some clue.

The warden went back to the cell and asked the farmer again. He replied, “I just want to take a nice little nap.”

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