
So, Like Angry At My Sister!

I was so mad at my sister! Who does think she is, my MOM ?!?!

I mean sitting there painting her toenails while I took care of HER baby and did all the chores! She’s only 4 and a half years older than me!

If it hadn’t been for that stupid boy getting her pregnant, she’d be in regular school, probably working on getting pregnant by some other boy! As it is, she doesn’t have to finish this semester, she dropped out to be with the baby, as if she’s being responsible. Pffft!

Then to go and tell on me, like I did NOTHING all day, and get me in more hot water with Mom; that’s, like, just evil!

I’m no where NEAR as bad as her!

These thoughts crashed through my mind as I took out the garbage, picked up the dirty clothes, and threw things in my closet. The act of launching items through the air from across the room was somehow satisfying.

Mom came in to talk later, after we both were calm.

“Honey, I don’t think you should see this boy. No matter whose idea it was to be in the bathroom together.”
“But, Mom…”

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