
Life Songs

Sometimes, promises mean nothing. Words are empty. Photos say it all. Miyo couldn’t help but think. Where had they gone wrong in their song? A song for life? They had been ready for anything, everything; except cancer. If only I could go back, and tell them, me, what was around the corner!

A few weeks later, right after learning their song was a hit, Ryan was diagnosed with cancer. A few months later, he was dead. Dead. It sounded so final.

“You see, life… life is like a song. Some are hits, some known only to a small few, who enjoy that song. But sooner or later, the song dies out, and a new one takes form.” Miyo could still see him, gesturing with his fork, ladden with food. The soft hum of his voice. Life is a song. What will mine be? A small, seeming insignificant one, or one known by all.?

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