
If she's everything you've ever wanted, Part 18

It’s like the utterance of my name triggered a knee jerk reaction, and before i knew it I was wrestling with Matt on the ground. It was hard to see, so when i had him under me I punched his forehead instead of his nose, which only pissed him off more.

He shoved me off and threw me against a lamp post. Just before he threw a punch I gave a well-aimed kick in the boys, knocking him to the ground, reeling in pain.
“Oh my God…” Elle breathed, unable to take in what had just happened. She broke down, crying uncontrollably.
I ran over to her and held her, “Shhhh nothing’s gonna happen now… it’s over… shhh.”

Matt attempted to rise, only to fail and fall to the ground again in a heap.
Wow, I didn’t think i kicked him that hard…

Elle was shaking in my arms, letting her tears soak into my tee shirt.
“I’m so sorry Sean… I just.. I-”
I covered her mouth with my hand and looked into her eyes.
“You want me to take you home?”

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