
Who Likes Bacon More Than Wolves and Men?

”...And?” asked Little Johnny from the front center desk. “Human flesh has been in our food since the great famine of 2173.”

“Well,” said Mrs. Calcutt carefully, “this is a bit different. I know you all heard about the nuclear explosion at the new Hadron Supercollider in Montana. The bodies they used were contaminated by this explosion.”

“Oh, now that makes a bit more sense.” said Sally from the second row.

“Yes, I suppose it does. But what doesn’t make sense is the apparent reaction from this contamination.” Mrs. Calcutt frowned at the small note she was still holding in her hands carefully.

“What are the effects? Radiation poisoning?” inquired Freddy in the fourth row.

“Oh no, we’ve dealt with that before, that’s no biggie.”

“A cancer outbreak?” interrupted Dyllan from the back of the room.

“Of course not, they cured that decades ago. The effects are a severe genetic mutation that turns people, and dogs, into something like…werewolves.”

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